Hi! My name is Jodie – but most people call me “JoJo.” I am 31 years old and I reside in Oklahoma with my husband, Wyatt, and our sweet baby girl, Everley Grace, as well as our two Dogue De Bordeaux’s, Jax and Jolie.
There are many things I love. I love spending time with my family. I love my two sweet puppy children, who are probably more spoiled than most human children. I love pizza. I love spending time at the beach. I love traveling to new places and experiencing new cultures with Wyatt. I love dancing. I love turquoise. I love styling outfits. I love home decor and changing it up way too many times to count. I love going to the lake. I love binge-watching lovey-dovey shows that are beyond dramatic. I love making people laugh. But most importantly, I love Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Without him being the center of our lives, none of this would be possible.
But passion - passion is different than love. Passion is what sets your soul on fire. I'm passionate about fashion, style…. jewelry, but it's not just the jewelry that I'm passionate about. I'm passionate about the purpose behind the jewelry. I'm passionate about people. I'm passionate about happiness. I'm passionate about moments. And when you combine all of those together - the handmade designs, the people, the happiness that the jewelry brings, and the moments they create in it - something really beautiful happens. That's what I'm passionate about. That's what set my soul on fire.
JoJo Silver Co. was born from this passion. I wanted it to be a one stop shop for everything you could need - from everyday items to those special events in your life. I wanted to offer a unique curated collection of Authentic Navajo Turquoise jewelry but also a custom collection of jewelry that I designed and built myself. I wanted it to be something you could pass down for generations to come.
What started out in 2021 with a draw from my savings account and a lot of prayer turned into what it is today. The inventory was housed in my home office, which quickly ran over into our formal dining room, and I spent hours on the floor printing labels and wrapping orders in hot pink bubble mailers for a cute presentation. I worked full time as a Court Stenographer in our local county courthouse and I did the modeling, buying, customer service, order fulfillment, product uploading, social media and website.
In September of 2022, the growth we were experiencing became too much for me to handle, and I decided to go full-time. Over the past few years, we have grown immensely. We have relocated into a studio space downtown Pauls Valley and brought on several new members to our team. I have felt everything. Exhausted. Excited. Worried. Nervous. Elated. Stressed. Overwhelmed. But most of all, fulfilled.
I am so grateful to all of you who have given me the gift of our jewelry being a part of your life's special moments and the happiness that those moments bring. We can’t wait to continue to be a part of those moments for years to come. If we had one thing that we wish to accomplish, we hope that our jewelry could help give you confidence and maybe brighten your day in just the slightest way.
If I could leave you with anything else, it would be, Dress up, Show up and be Real, Humble and Kind.